Dylon, Morgyn, Coltyn, Hudson and Andersyn

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
our children teach us what life is all about"  Angela Schwindt

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Little Pumpkins

We are in the process of getting new wood floor and carpet so needless to say, things have been a little crazy at Grandma Lori's house. This "update" project has been going on since early summer. I am very excited for it to be done...hopefully I will be putting things back together next weekend. It has to be all back together when Ryan,Katelyn and kids come for Thanksgiving.

The kids were here and put together these pumpkins that will just live at Grandma Lori's for the season. I think this has now become a tradition!!
Casi took Dylon and Morgyn to a movie on Saturday and Coltyn stayed with me and we had Wendy's for lunch....there was a fly in the house so I told him he better eat his fries or the fly would eat them....he thought that was VERY funny, so he decided to "feed the fly"!!! It was very cute and then when you add his little giggle in....it just really makes your day!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Zoo and Halloween Party

Dylon, Morgyn, Coltyn and I had a busy day on Saturday. We went to the Zoo in the morning and then off to a Halloween Party with Grandma Bev in the afternoon....and then we had a sleep over!!!
We saw the new Russian Grizzly Bear exhibit at the zoo. The highlight of that (for me anyway) was the Sea Otters. I could have watched them for hours. The highlight of the day though was definitly watching the shark feedings. We then went to McDonalds for lunch and decided we are going to win the million dollars on the Monopoly game. We already have it all spent so don't ask us to share!!!!

In the afternoon (after naps of course), we went to a Halloween Party and made jack-0-lanterns and had lots of yummy food.
The kids then had a sleepover at our house!!!
It was a super fun day, but Grandma Lori needs a day or two to recover!!!!