Dylon, Morgyn, Coltyn, Hudson and Andersyn

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
our children teach us what life is all about"  Angela Schwindt

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Ryan, Katelyn, Hudson and Andee spent the week of Thanksgiving in Minnesota!!! We enjoyed having them here and did our best to try to convince them that Minnesota is THE place to live!!! I don't think we had much success, but we did enjoy the time we spent with them. Andee is beautiful!! She is just starting to smile and coo and she loved snuggling into Grandma Lori's big soft "chest"!!! Coltyn and Hudson were an absolute HOOT!! What one didn't think of the other one did. They played so well together for 2 year olds. It was amazing to watch them!! They had a few little spats, but for the most part they just loved each other. My new wood laminate floor has officially been broken in. If it can survive two 2 year olds and their cars and tractors, it can survive anything!!! Morgyn loved helping with her baby cousin and wanted to hold her all the time!! Dylon just had fun hanging out. I think his highlight was going to Cabela's with Unkie and his buddy Tony.
We spent one day at the Zoo and had a great day. The rest of the time we mostly just hung out and enjoyed our time together. It was sooooo fun for me to have them all under one roof!!! I can't wait until their next visit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks like a great time and I love the floor. Sorry we had to miss it